There are possibly few things more counter-intuitive than consulting an Outplacement Consultant when hiring someone. Granted, if at the final interview stage, the new or soon-to-be-hired recruit is introduced to somebody typically associated with an exit sign rather than a welcome mat, it could be momentarily unnerving. However, at the most fundamental level, isn't one of the most important roles that an Outplacement consultant plays with regards to employees, that of assisting with career transition? Can this not be undertaken more methodically as part of the on-boarding process? Why do companies generously invest so much in ensuring the well-being of employees who are leaving and so little on those joining? Most large corporates do have on-boarding procedures and programmes, etc. and they can be invaluable in introducing new hires into the new culture and company ethos. However, on a personal level, the new employee is almost always undergoing, at some level, a degree of career transition. Perhaps this is a more senior role than they held at a previous company? Maybe they are branching out in a totally new career? Or in other cases, it is a sideways - or even a step down - for whatever reason. SME's or Corporates should consider whether their new hire could benefit from a career transition programme that focuses on helping them understand and deal with the sometimes bewildering period that almost always forms part of a major life event - such as changing jobs or careers. It can benefit the business itself as the new hire settles in and is likely to be productive more quickly, as not only are their immediate practical needs being addressed, but their new company recognizes and accompanies them in dealing with the emotional roller coaster that is an almost inevitable part of such a massive personal change.
Contact us for a confidential discussion about how we can assist with a tailored programme for your company.